Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Motor Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy Research Paper - 1

Motor Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy - Research Paper Example The historical treatment for this condition has been challenged and newer forms of treatment have been developed. There is enormous evidence about the benefits of motor therapy in the management of children with cerebral palsy. In this research article, the role of motor therapy in cerebral palsy will be discussed through review of suitable literature. Physical therapy plays a main role in managing cerebral palsy and the focus of physical therapy is movement, function and optimal use of the potential of the child. Physical therapies which have found to be effective in cerebral palsy are neurodevelopmental therapy, conductive education, strength training, postural control, constrained-induced movement therapy, hydrotherapy, passive stretching, orthotic devices and hippotherapy. Through these treatments, promotion, maintenance and restoration of the psychological, physical and social-well being of the child is achieved. Which form of motor treatment is effective is difficult to ascertain owing to lack of high-quality research. The goal of management in individuals with cerebral palsy is not to achieve normalcy or not to cure but to increase the functionality of the patient, improve the capabilities of the patient and sustain health of the child in terms of cognitive development, locomotion, social interaction and independence. Early intensive management yields best results. The most common treatment strategy is a neurodevelopmental treatment or NBT like the Bobath method. In this treatment, specific handling techniques are employed to control muscle tone, abnormal patterns of movement, control of posture, perception, sensation and memory. However, there is not much evidence to ascertain the role of NBT in changing abnormal motoric responses, prevention of contractures and facilitation of functional motor activities.  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Thesis The Real Intelligence English Language Essay

Thesis The Real Intelligence English Language Essay The article What is intelligence, Anyway? by Isaac Asimov, tells that he felt he was highly intelligent because he had been getting test scores that were higher than average, this didnt guarantee that he was very good at answering academic questions with worthy answers. He took his car repairman as an example of someone whose intelligence is not based on getting high scores in aptitude tests. When something went wrong with his car, he asked this auto repairman to come and fix the car, as if they were divine oracles. He supposed that in case this man, or a carpenter or farmers who have intricate knowledge or hard working ability ask him a question for an intelligence test, he would absolutely do poorly. He said that his intelligence is not absolute but functional to the society that he lives in and the society has created rules divining who is intelligent and who is not. His auto repairman started telling him jokes and tested his intelligence by asking him a question about the blind m an who came in the shop to buy scissors. Apparently, he answered the repairman with his fingers making a scissoring motion. The auto repairman laughed and said, Why you dumb jerk, he used his voice and asked for them. The car repairman had been trying this trick all day. Asimov asked if he caught any, and the repairman said quite a few, but I knew for sure Id catch you. He asked him what he meant by that, the repairman said, because youre so goddamned educated but you couldnt be very smart. The joke would fool most people, smart or not because theyre thinking about the item and not the mens disability. Thesis: Born Smart- or Get Smart Kathy Seals article The Trouble with Talent: Are We Born Smart or Do We Get Smart? tells us about Jim Stigler, a psychologist from UCLA, who wanted to test whether persistence might be the key factor why students from Asia do better than American kids at elementary math, (by designing an experiment in which the same insolvable math problem and separate group of Japanese and American children) Most American kids tried to solve the problem, after struggling, they gave up. The Japanese kids on the other hand, tried and keep on working until the test was interrupted. Stigler said, if the Japanese kids kept on working, theyll eventually get the answer and said that the American kids thought either you get it or you dont. He detailed that Asian education relies on rote and drill. Asian teachers believe that their chief task is to stimulate thinking and anyone who thinks long enough about a problem can move toward its solution. He also concludes that the Asian belief in hard work as the key to success is one reason why Asians outperforms Americans in academics. Americans are persuaded that success in school requires inborn talent and you dont believe in education in some fundamental level. The Japanese believe that everybody can master the curriculum if you give him or her the time. Theres some argument that the American fixation on natural ability causes to waste the potential of many children. Cross-cultural tests show that in a series of studies spanning a ten-year period, Stigler and his coauthor, Harold W. Steveson of the University of Michigan compared reading and math-test scores at more than 75 elementary schools in Sendai, Japan; Taiwan, China, Minneapolis and Chicago. The scores of the best-performing American school graders were lower than the scores of the worst performing Asian schools. Hard work pervades Asian culture, and even many folk tales make the point that diligence can achieve any goal. Asian countries demonstrate that the expectations in academi c effort are democratic and high. Stigler added, that if learning is gradual and proceeds step by step, anyone could gain knowledge. They showed that the Japanese snaillike pace of giving the lesson in 52 minutes from start to finish allows the brighter students time to understand the concept in depth and slower kids and even learning disabled students benefit from hearing one concept explained in different ways and a large number of Japanese children advance relatively far in math. Meanwhile, in America, assigning students to curricular tracks based to ability is common but happens even in schools where formal tracking is not practical. Kids always know who the teacher thinks is smart, sorta smart and kinda smart. Many kids face lower expectations and a watered-down curriculum. The national mania for positive self-esteem too often leads Americans to puff up kids confidence and forget to tell them that genius is 98 percent perspiration and many Americans believed people who work har d in schools are lack of ability and someone who is so smart dont have to try. According to the survey made by UCLA researcher Valanne Henderson, they asked 229 seventh graders whether people are born smart or get smart by working hard. They compared the sixth and seventh grade students achievement scores. The get-smart beliefs stayed high or improved while the born-smart believers scores dropped. Dwecks concluded that if you want your kids to succeed, you should emphasize effort and quit from praising or blaming intelligence per se. They even found out that bright girls believe that people are born smart, than boys, and that explains why many American girls stop taking high school math and science. Dweck added that seeing intelligence as a inborn trait also turns children into quitters, they are not worried about their intelligence, so theyre afraid to take risks. Kids who think you can get smart arent afraid by failures and find it exciting to figure out what went wrong and keep a t it. Getting Americans to give up their worship of natural ability and replace it with Asian belief in effort seems a big undertaking but possible to train kids in hard work. The key to bringing kids around is for the adults close to them to talk and act that effort counts. The efficacy Institute is working based on theories that social psychologist Jeff Howard developed. He investigated why black students werent performing on school as well as whites and Asians. Using the slogan Think you can; work hard; get smart, the school conducts a seminar for teachers that wean them from the born-smart belief system. They told the teachers to talk to kids and convince them that they can get As in tests and kids respond immediately and the results worked very well. Current efforts for change are modest, no less a force that the government is weaving this new thinking into its education agenda. During a talk by California Teachers Association, U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley, pledged to work on setting national standards in education that must be for all of young people, regardless of their economic background, and must convince the people that kids are not born smart but they get smart. Thesis: Mark -Oriented In A College Professors View of College and Teaching, one of a professors hardest experiences is to patrol the classroom during the final examination. If he tried to make the course important, and tried to interest the students in an adventure of learning, it is not possible for the teacher to know the students anxiety before or during the exam. The exam is there to prove that the students have actually learned something through the term. Students view finals as the last hurdle before they can move on. The examination gives the teacher the ability to see if information has been successfully transferred to the student. But the most important of all to the student is advancing toward their ultimate goal, a degree. Exams measure a students accomplishment and teachers assign a mark. An integral part of the educational process is the mark. The final examination is the culmination of all the school work and testing that has already taken place, and the mark is what the student is intereste d in. Colleges are interested in the final outcome of the exam, and less so in the professors and the students. Exams have moved towards essay questions rather than the true or false or multiple choice questions, this type of examination must still place its emphasis on the facts in order to make possible a uniform grading system by one or more readers. Some professors want their students to think for themselves while others prefer the subject matter to adhere strictly to the text book. The author says that the students who are left to think for themselves will only be able to think based on their life experiences. He asks what grade these students should be given. The author feels teachers should be able to grade students as they see fit based on the students ability where poor students maybe given an A for encouragement and good students maybe graded poorly if their work is below their ability. However, because marks are used as a measure of the students performance and can affect future scholarship or job opportunities, teachers do not have real freedom or flexibility to mark, as they want. Students seem conditioned by the educational system to know what will give them success. They measured their teachers based on their personality traits to figure out what the professors want to see, this locks the student from taking any risks or liberties with the system. Thesis: Bad Teaching In this story Sociology Final, the student arrived in the class late. The classroom was full because of an examination. The teacher seemed apathetic and was reading a book while smoking a pipe. When the student asked for the test booklet, the teacher had no idea who the student was. After establishing his identity and receiving the test booklet, the student went to find a seat but couldnt find one and sat down in the corner. When he opened the test booklet, he was completely lost. He had no idea about the subject matter; some of this could be because of nerves. He went to the cafeteria, had a cup of coffee, read his book. It seems that he quotes a passage from his book, Alonzos El Gibaro, where he talks about being able to withdraw to an imaginary world. He went home and translated some sentences from the test booklet as best as he could without a dictionary. It seemed Edward Rivera has no interest in learning sociology and the professor has no interest in teaching it as well. He fou nd out that this course is so shocking. He took his test booklet at home and apparently, he failed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Homelessness is a Decision not a Condition Essays -- Papers Beggars St

Homelessness is a Decision not a Condition Homeless people are not always the victims that the media have portrayed them to be. The alarming fact is that many of the homeless are there by choice. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to portray all homeless people as lazy people who dont want to take care of themselves. This couldn't be further from the truth. In my experience with the homeless they are usually either in bad health, addicted to drugs, mentally ill or a combination of any of these. To compound matters worse, they are usually without any type of legitimate income to support themselves. One day last winter, I was leaving work and I was approached by a street-person. Living in the city most of my life, I had grown accustomed to this type of solicitation. This particular gentleman gave me a well rehearsed monologue about how his car had broken down and he was just trying to get enough money up to catch a bus home. Needless to say, I have heard this particular story in every city I had ever been to, by other street people in cities far bigger than Dayton, Ohio. I like to always give people the benifit of the doubt, but this story was a little overused. I told him I would take him up to the Greyhound station and pay for his ticket if he wanted to get home. He refused my offer, telling me that there was other business that he would have to take care of first. I had called his bluff and he knew it. I then asked him what he was doing out on the streets at 4:30 in the morning. He told me that he was "making a living". After chatting with him for about twenty minutes, I was able to get him to reveal a few very important details about himself. He had been on the streets for about the past 6 y... ... no longer employed their. I was also told that Adrian was constantly begging other employees for money. It seemed like he just couldn't discriminate between his life on the street and his position in the workplace. Much later I would find out that I was just enabling Adrian. I would find that Adrian's biggest problem was his drug addiction. Judging by the the fresh needle marks on his arm, it was quite obvious that Adrian was shooting up some type of narcotic on a regular basis. He had been offered help before and refused to straighten his life out. Instead, he chose a life on the streets with no direction. A life with little to look forward to and little to lose. It was disheartening to see such human potential go to waste. It seemed that Adrian had gone past that point where we choose life over death. He made the choice to give up life long ago.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fundamentls of Entrepreneurship

Executive summary: Fundamental of entrepreneurship is an individual who takes initiative to bundle resource in innovative ways and is willing to bear the risk or uncertainty to act. The purpose of done this assignment to know and understand that entrepreneurship play role to started new business enterprise. Moreover, entrepreneur for started new enterprise that SPM JATI (cooking oil), need review performance of his business, identify strength and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action that will capitalize on the company’s strengths, and overcome its weaknesses and finally business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened.Without this cannot complete the task to started new business. Before I start my assignment, I had obtained some information from my lecture and I also get information about entrepreneurship from internet. Through internet I know that entrepreneur of review performance to started new enterprise that SPM JATI (cooking oil), strength and weaknes ses, recommend a plan of action and business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened.The process of doing assignment, I found out a lot of information about started new enterprise of entrepreneurship. As the same time, I also know the strength and weaknesses and existing performance could be maintained and strengthened. NO| Question and title| Page| 1. 0| Introduction | 3| 2. 02. 1 2. 1. 1 2. 1. 2 2. 1. 32. 2 2. 2. 1 2. 2. 2 2. 2. 32. 3 2. 3. 1 2. 3. 2 2. 3. 32. 4 2. 4. 1 2. 4. 2 2. 4. | Presentation and analysis: How would you review the performance of his business Introduction task 1Answer ConclusionHelp jerry indentify his company strength and weaknesses Introduction AnswerConclusionFollowing the analysis of the company strengths and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action that will capitalize on the company strengths, and overcome its weaknesses. Introduction Answer Conclusion Jerry has bought you a one-week return ticket to his holiday home in Penang. He wants you to helpHim investigate ways in which the business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened.Introduction Answer Conclusion | 4444-66777-88999-1010 11111112| 3. 0 | Conclusion | 13| 4. 0| References | 14-15| 1. 0 Overall Introduction Entrepreneurshipis an individual who rather than working as an employee runs a small business call entrepreneurship and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture, idea or good or service offered for sale. Entrepreneurship combined with land, natural resources and capital to produce profits that is call entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship must face all kind of problem and know need to solve the problem then only can achieve in business, if the entrepreneur run away from business it show he or she cannot face it the business and don’t know how to solve the problem. Task 1, is mention a bout review the performance of SPM JATI enterprise cooking oil. It’s easy to focus only on the day-to-day running of SPM JA TI enterprise. It’s simply include business efficiency, financial position, business goals and conduct a customers and market analysis.Task 2, is indentify about SPM JATI enterprise, strength could be seen in terms of SPM JATI staff extremely polite and helpful and your competitor’s staff has very few customer-friendly attributes, products SPM JATI provides cooking oil, customers loyalty is demand, and location located at. And weakness, an object’s look every aspect of SPM JATI enterprise whether its products and service could be improved. Task 3, is analysis the company strengths and weaknesses. And how to overcome the weaknesses of company.Task 4 is talking about help jerry to investigate ways in which business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened Task 1: 2. 2 How would you review the performance of his business? 2. 1. 1 Introduction task 1 In this task talking about review the performance of business of SPM JATI Company. This task explain s about operation management. Product planning, location planning, process planning, supply chain management and quality management. 2. 1. 2 Answer Review the performance of SPM JATI Enterprise cooking oil for financial position, it’s often fail because of poor financial management or a lack of planning.Often the business plan that was used to help raise finance is put on a shelf to gather dust. When it comes to SPM JATI Enterprise cooking oil business' success, therefore, developing and implementing sound financial and management systems. . Product planning Product planning and product control work hand in hand to ensure that consumers get the products they want, when they want. Product planning involves evaluating the product and placement, price, package and position. SPM JATI cooking oil using product planning. Price must standard and the package look nice and the customer attract to the package. Location planningLocation is also very important for service and manufacturi ng ventures, which have such costs as advertising, promotion and distribution that are a direct result on where they located. SPM JATI company location is very near customer and other shop also. Location has to be convenient for customers and their employees need adequate parking. That means locating near to key suppliers in areas for pick-up and deliveries. JATI company choosing the best location for business that us the first step to target the customers. Process planning A business plan is used when starting a new business or new product into market.SPM JATI cooking oil develops the products and maintains the products. SPM JATI cooking oil planning buys a new machine that is automotive packing machine to improve the business and supply in big scale. Supply chain management Supply chain management is the oversight materials information and finance as move in a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to consumer. The product flow includes the movement of goods from a su pplier to a customer as well as customer returns or service needs. SPM JATI cooking oil supply to wholesaler and the wholesaler supply to consumer this is supply hain management of SPM JATI cooking oil company. Quality management SPM JATI Company maintains the good name and reputation of the company. To gain a competitive advantage, many companies will implement a quality management system to ensure they produce the best products. 2. 1. 3 Conclusion The conclusion is when I do this question I got a lot of idea about the business and also I can understand very well about what is product planning, location planning, process planning, supply chain management and how much important to business. This steps all SPM JATI company follow and maintain the businessTask 2: 2. 2 Help Jerry identify his company’s strength and weaknesses. 2. 2. 1 Introduction task 2 In this task discuss about SPM JATI company strengths and weakness. SPM JATI company strengths and weakness. SPM JATI Company strengths is understand consumer needs and provide high level customer service. Weakness is not enough workers in the company and also the labor costs very high. 2. 2. 2 Answer: The impacts of internal strengths and weaknesses on the success of the ‘subject’ of analysis. The internal strengths and weaknesses of you, your staff, your products, and your business.The internal strength that make’s organization more competitive than its marketplace peers. And the internal weaknesses with organization that will keep it from achieving its objectives; it is what an organization does poorly. Strength This involves looking at the strength and weaknesses of SPM JATIenterprise cooking oil. Internal strength of business SPM JATI enterprise cooking oil, could be seen in terms of SPM JATI enterprise staff, products, customers loyalty, processes, or location. SPM JATI enterprise cooking oil,strengthterms staffextremely polite and helpful, very important to be totally honest and realistic.Next products, cooking oil, customer loyalty is when a supplier received the reward of his efforts in interacting with his customer. Customer loyalty tends the customer to voluntarily choose a particular product against another for his needs. Location for SPM JATI enterprise are very good because very near to customer and wholesaler also. So when very near to customer the supply cost become low and can save money also. The name of company very popular everyone knows about JATI cooking oil and the products quality. JATI Company understands the consumer needs.JATI Companyprovides high level customer service. Have a presence in retail markets. And also the customer like and go for JATI cooking oil. Weakness Company weaknesses are a lack of resources or capabilities. SPM JATI Company has higher labor costs. Competitor who can have similar productivity from lower labor costs. SPM JATI also not enough workers and the management are not very good. 2. 2. 3 Conclusion In this task discuss about the company strengths and weakness. Explain about the SPM JATI company strengths and weakness. Task 3: 2. Following the analysis of the company strengths and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action that will capitalize on the company strengths, and overcome its weaknesses. 2. 3. 1 Introduction In this task discuss about the strengths and weakness of Jerry Company SPM JATI enterprise. So need to find out some step to help Jerry Company to improve. And also discuss the overcome company weakness. 2. 3. 2 Answer Company strengths The first strengths for jerry JATI Company are good name in market everyone know about the company and the brand. JATI Company provides high level customer service.Customer also likes to buy JATI products because customer likes the packing and the good service also. JATI Company supply goods time to time. Overcome company weakness After I discuss about strength and weakness of Jerry Company that is SPM JATI enterprise. Jerry can be try to improve t he products and packing. Customer service is very important in business, Jerry Company must focus on customer service. First the weakness of SPM JATI Company is higher labor costs. After that SPM JATI company not enough workers in the company so cannot produce more products because very less worker.SPM JATI must take new worker for company and can produce more products. SPM JATI company have 3 lorry but that is not enough for supply goods because a lot of order from customer and wholesaler. So need to buy new lorry, for more supply goods for customer and the business also can develop if supply more goods for customer the company can make high profit. 2. 3. 3 Conclusion As a conclusion, I help to find the steps or ways to help Jerry Company to improve and do much better then now. Next is, found the ways to solve jerry company weakness Task 4 2. Jerry has bought you a one-week return ticket to his holiday home in Penang. He wants you to helpHim investigate ways in which the business e xisting performance could be maintained and strengthened. 2. 4. 1 Task 4 introduction In this task discuss about to help jerry investigate ways in which the business existing performance could maintained and strengthened. I help jerry how to improve the performance of SPM JATI Company. So for one-week I will take care jerry business and help him also to improve the business. 2. 4. 2 Answer The ways to improve the company performanceI have help jerry to promote his company name and product. I do which customers buy a lot of JATI product they all get some gifts from company. Next is, I give some donation under JATI company name then only people know about the company and what they are selling or produce. This also one good type of advertising. If company name popular in market then all customer know about the company and the business sales also increase. And I ask jerry to do some offer or discount. When customer purchase JATI product the price be half price for few month, to promote the product.Another idea is make t-shirt for customer, like which shop sell a lot of JATI products give them t-shirt. 2. 4. 3 Conclusion Conclusion is, this is the ways to improve the company performance and steps. When jerry follow the steps above sure jerry company will be improve and success on his overall business performance and also can increase the business sales or monthly turnover can increase. This steps all are very good to business improve and can increase the production of the company so jerry must follow the ways to improve. But now Jerry Companyimproves ready, so for no problem for Jerry Company.I think Jerry Company does better sales and better business management. Because jerry know ready what is steps and ways to improve the company performance. 3. 0 Conclusion As a conclusion when I finish this whole assignment I can understand what is business strength and weaknesses. And how to take care the business and also how to solve the problem. So when jerry follows all t he ways or steps of business, sure the business will successes and can make more profit. Every entrepreneur must know the business strength and weakness.And must know about how to solve business problem. 4. 0 References Businessweek. com (2013) Analyzing Your Company's Strengths and Weaknesses – BusinessWeek. [online] Available at: http://www. businessweek. com/smallbiz/tips/archives/2008/09/analyzing_your_companys_strengths_and_weaknesses. html [Accessed: 22 Mar 2013]. Dollinger , M. (2003) Fundamental of Entrepreneurship . 3rd ed. India : Doring Kindersley , p. 153-155. Hoit, D. (2001) entrepreneurship. 5th ed. New Delhi: Ashoke K. Ghosh, p. 67-68. Infoentrepreneurs. org (2009) Review your business

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

John Forbes Nash Jr.

John Forbes Nash Jr. is a math prodigy and one of the recipients of the prestigious Carnegie Prize for Mathematics at Princeton University.   While taking his graduate studies, he met his roommate Charles Herman, a literature student who became his best friend.   His eccentric behavior made it difficult for other people to understand and relate to him.   Nash’s obsession in searching for an original idea for his thesis and a place in the student social hierarchy led him to skip classes which nearly cost his failure.Fortunately, he was saved by his original research study where he was able to formulate a theory in mathematical economics known as the concept of governing dynamics.   After his graduate studies, he worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and selected his friends Sol and Bender to work with him.While teaching a class on Calculus, he met Alicia, a student who later became his wife.   While at Princeton, Nash behaved erratically and became paranoid.   This compelled Alicia to call a psychiatrist who forcibly took him to a psychiatric facility.   While confined in the facility, Alicia showed Nash the unopened classified documents that he delivered in a drop box.   This convinced Nash that he has been hallucinating and his classified work to decode Soviet messages was a delusion.William Parcher, a mysterious Department of Defense agent, Charles and Charles’ niece, Marcee were products of his mind.   Nash was diagnosed to have paranoid schizophrenia and was treated with a series of insulin shock therapy for ten weeks.   He was given daily antipsychotic medications that affected his intellect and his relationship with Alicia.   Nash became frustrated and secretly discontinued his medications. This triggered a relapse but he came to realize his psychosis when he saw that Marcee remained at the same age for many years.Nash learned to live with his schizophrenia and ignored his hallucinations.   With th e permission of Martin Hansen, his old friend and intellectual rival who became the head of mathematics department in Princeton, Nash was given a space in the library to talk to students and audit classes.   Eventually, he was able to teach again and was honored in a pen ceremony by his colleagues for his achievement and contribution in the field of Mathematics.   He was also awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in Stockholm for his work on game theory.1. Why did you pick this film?I chose the film â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† not on the basis of knowing anyone who has a similar problem or on my capacity to relate to the psychological issues on a personal experience.   I chose this movie because there are some scenes in the film which I find very intriguing and influential.   First, there was no family involvement and presence in his wedding, academic achievements and illness of John Nash.   Second, persons with mental disorder endure a stigma during the early y ears but John Nash’s struggle to be reintegrated in Princeton and in his community was remarkable.   Third, his superior achievement despite his mental illness is inspiring.   Lastly, the movie was powerful enough to awaken the consciousness of people towards understanding the plight of people living schizophrenia.2. What psychological issues are portrayed in this film?The story showed the eccentric behavior of John Nash.   He was unconcern by society’s disapproval of his awkward habits and behavior.   His manner of walking and his constant habit of touching his forehead became the focus of attention by some students in Princeton.Nash was obsessed with his research work and his standing in the student social hierarchy.   He brings his books and paper work while he was at a local bar with his friends.   Although he has few friends at Princeton, he has a strong preference to be alone and often preoccupied with his own thoughts which is a personality trait of an introvert.   Nash also exhibited a type A personality pattern by being achievement oriented, over involved with work, having a sense of time urgency, being impatient and angry when confronted with delays or with people whom they view as incompetent.In the movie, Nash manifested visual and auditory hallucinations and paranoia which frightened his wife and affected his function at work.   He thinks that he is working for the US National Defense Department and there are Russian spies following him.   He interacts with people who only exist in his mind such as his roommate and best friend Charles Herman, US Department of Defense agent William Parcher and Charles young niece Marcee.3. What diagnosis (if any) does the main character portray?Dr. Rosen diagnosed John Nash to be afflicted with paranoid schizophrenia due to his visual and auditory hallucinations, delusion and paranoia.   The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV-TR defined schizophrenia as a diso rder that last for at least 6 months and includes at least 1 month of active-phase symptoms, i.e. two or more of the following: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms (American Psychological Association, 2000).Only one symptom in Criterion A is required if delusions are bizarre or hallucinations consist of two or more voices conversing with one another or voices maintaining a running commentary on the person’s behavior or thoughts (ibid.).   The continuous signs of his disturbance persisted since he took his Masters degree and it continued until he worked at MIT.4. What psychological theory best explains the behavior of the major characters in the film?Incentives are environmental factors such as external stimuli or rewards which motivate our behavior (Skinner, 1953).   The theory of motivation, specifically the incentive theory best describe the behavior of John Nash (Westmont College, 2008).   Nash was highly motivated by the incentive of occupying a place in the student social hierarchy in Princeton University.   He was intellectually competitive and the academic incentive pulled him to write an original research paper that would defeat his rival Martin Hansen.   His achievements and recognition also led to the satisfaction of his need for self esteem.   His career growth and advancement is a realization of his need for self actualization.   These needs partly comprise Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1954)Alicia Nash has an extrovert personality trait.   In the movie, she was able to talk to the construction workers to work in another area so they could have good ventilation and a noise-free classroom environment.   This indicates that she interacts well with people and she has the tendency to direct her personality outward the self.Her determination to uncover the truth and help her husband John prove that he is working for the National Defense D epartment shows that she is a woman of action, whose motives are conditioned by external events.   Accepting John’s situation and guiding him towards reintegration manifest that she accommodates readily to new situations.   Alicia’s extrovert personality trait is part of the personality type theory developed by Carl Jung (Jung, 1933).5. Based on what you have learned from the movie would you say the film portrays the psychological issue accurately or not? Why?The movie did not portray the psychological issues accurately.   Although John Nash manifested two of the characteristic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations as indicated in Criterion A of DSM IV-TR, his hallucinations were not limited to auditory.   He has both the visual and auditory hallucinations which are uncommon for schizophrenia.The film showed that the onset of his mental disorder started during his graduate studies, a period wherein Nash had a high level of academic and occupational achi evement.   He may not be sociable but his interpersonal skill is acceptable; otherwise, he would have difficulties in developing friendships with some students at Princeton and would not have a relationship with Alicia.   Therefore, he has not also met the symptoms for schizophrenia such as social and occupational dysfunction as indicated in Criterion B.Two thoughts came to mind when John Nash said that he is taking a new medication.   First, does this mean that he was on continuous medication since his relapse or has he discontinued taking his medication for many years and decided to try the newly discovered pill?   Second, Nash daily antipsychotic medication affected his intellectual ability and his relationship with Alicia.   He was not also able to engage in any occupation.   One can only come up with a conjecture that since Nash was able to teach at Princeton University means that he discontinued his medication and learned to live with his hallucinations.ReferencesA merican Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental   Ã‚  Ã‚   disorders DSM-IV-TR (Text Revision).   American Psychiatric Association:     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Washington, DC.Jung, C. G. (1933).   Psychological types. New York: Harcourt Brace and World.Maslow, A.H. (1954). Motivation and personality. New York:Harper and Row.Skinner, B.F. (1953). Science and human behavior. New York: Macmillan.Westmont College (2008).   Motivation.   Retrieved February 1, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   neral/lectureoutlines/11motivation/theoriesmotivation.html#